
100次浏览     发布时间:2024-09-03 14:00:56    

1.始于颜值 终于人品

It starts with looks and ends with character.

2.爱而不得是常态 死缠烂打是病态

It's morbid to love without being normal.

3.想把往事尘封 无赖却已泪如泉涌

Want to put the past dusty rascal has burst into tears.

4.生活就是这样 经得住风雨 耐不住平淡

Life is so withstand the wind and rain can not stand flat.

5.相似的人适合玩闹 互补的人才能终老

Similar people suitable for playing complementary people can die.

6.物来顺应 未来不迎 当时不杂 既过不恋

Things to complywith, not to meet the future, at the same time, neither love.

7.难过这个东西 难是难 终究会过

Sad this thing is difficult is difficult eventually over.

8.有一种感情叫无缘 有一种放弃叫成全

There is a feeling called miss is called to give up.

9.无论以什么方式告别 都对不起初见

No matter what way to say goodbye all sorry first time see.

10.珍惜所有的不期而遇 看淡所有的不辞而别

Cherish all the unexpected to see all without saying goodbye.


不要再哭 不要一个人难过

要潇洒的走 别被感情左右

